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MY2022 Renault T with METEC products

MY2022 Renault T with METEC products. Yes, you read it correctly – new Renault has majority of products ready.

When Renault launched T at 2013 it was a game changer. Renault now had serious competitor for well know trucks.

Just launched model has not been updated so significantly but more fine tuned vehicle. And doesn´t it look lovely?

Sharp and sophisticated front lights give very distinctive and contemporary look.

But as always, drivers want to be different compared to other drivers and the also want to improve the vehicle. And with METEC accessories it is easy to do just that.

Right now we have various roofbars, spoilerbar, sidebars, Taylor front lampholder and cattleguard. Keep your eye on our news as we will launch additional products quite soon.

MY2022 Renault T with METEC products – great truck with great accessories!

Renault T 2021