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Work at Metec!
In a large and growing technology company like Metec, good employees are always welcome, both in production and in the office. All the conditions are created so that you can use your skills, willingness to work and initiative as best as possible - the jobs are secure, the pay is good, the colleagues are nice and the conditions are exemplary. In addition to everything else, there are so many exciting jobs at Metec that you will never get bored. Depending on skills and desire, internal development and the acquisition of various professions are very possible - here the person's desire to become better and more professional is evaluated and supported.

If you feel that you want to get involved, ask for more information from the HR department by phone 738 5071, by e-mail personal@metec.ee or have a look at our vacancies at the links below (please use your browser's translation function for translation):
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